Graduate Internship Program Berau Coal

With the aim of reaching our goals and objectives exponentially we equipped ourselves with the sense of leadership and the dynamic that is ready to face the ever-changing situation of the business world.

The coal deposit are exponentially mined using conventional open pit-mining methods utilizing trucks, excavators, loaders and bulldozers for both overburden removal and coal mining methods and are transported by barge from all three coal loading terminals to the transshipment location.

Graduate Internship Program - Farming

Through this one year internship program at mining sites in Berau, the Graduates will be able to understand thoroughly the coal mining industry, how its operate, and thus, will be able to develop skills, knowledge and working attitude needed in the industry. The Graduates will be entitled to receive living allowances, incentives, full-board accommodation, and medical coverage.

If you :
  1. are fresh bachelor graduates from reputable University majoring in Farming
  2. have minimum GPA 2.75
  3. are 25 years old or younger
  4. are fluent in English, both oral and written
  5. are computer literate (minimum in office application)
  6. have excellent academic record
  7. were active in student organization(s)
  8. are eager and enthusiastic to explore the exquisite North-East Kalimantan
Graduate Internship Program - Environmental Engineering

Through this one year internship program at mining sites in Berau, the Graduates will be able to understand thoroughly the coal mining industry, how its operate, and thus, will be able to develop skills, knowledge and working attitude needed in the industry. The Graduates will be entitled to receive living allowances, incentives, full-board accommodation, and medical coverage.

If you :
  1. are fresh bachelor graduates from reputable University majoring in Environtmental Engineering
  2. have minimum GPA 2.75
  3. are 25 years old or younger
  4. are fluent in English, both oral and written
  5. are computer literate (minimum in office application)
  6. have excellent academic record
  7. were active in student organization(s)
  8. are eager and enthusiastic to explore the exquisite North-East Kalimantan
Graduate Internship Program - Hidrology Engineering

Through this one year internship program at mining sites in Berau, the Graduates will be able to understand thoroughly the coal mining industry, how its operate, and thus, will be able to develop skills, knowledge and working attitude needed in the industry. The Graduates will be entitled to receive living allowances, incentives, full-board accommodation, and medical coverage.

If you :
  1. are fresh bachelor graduates from reputable University majoring in Hidrological Engineering
  2. have minimum GPA 2.75
  3. are 25 years old or younger
  4. are fluent in English, both oral and written
  5. are computer literate (minimum in office application)
  6. have excellent academic record
  7. were active in student organization(s)
  8. are eager and enthusiastic to explore the exquisite North-East Kalimantan
Interested candidates please apply online at the link provided below:

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