Lowongan Kerja Eni

Eni is a major integrated energy company, committed to growth in the activities of finding, producing, transporting,transforming and marketing oil and gas. Eni men and women have a passion for challenges,
continuous improvement, excellence and particularly value people, the environment and integrity.

Legal Counsel
Location: Jakarta


* At least five (5) years as an in-house legal counsel in oil and gas company (ies) and having experience in any matter related to the scope of goods and services procurement knowledge on general legal matters in the oil and gas industry and especially related to procurement issues; good analytical skills experience in interfacing and coordinating with authorities representatives is desirable; and knowledge of EPC Contract is preferable.
* Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English is a must and the candidate must hold the relevant appropriate certificate as the Bid Committee member within oil and gas upstream activities from the authority (PTK Certification).


* You will report directly to Legal Manager. Your role will include in having coordination with internal Procurement Department and provide legal assistance on the Bid plans process, contract preparation and other relevant and necessary documents to be Incompliance with the current BPMIGAS Procurement Guideline and other prevailing regulations. In addition, you are required to interface and coordinate with the authorities with respect to the said activities.

Please send your cv and note that applications may not be reviewed if received after 30 October 2011 to :.
Recruitment Department
PO Box 3260 Jakarta 10000
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